San Marzano PDO tomato

Since 1983 Conserve Manfuso S.r.l.
San Marzano PDO The tomato from Agro Sarnese Nocerino

The land of the valley of Agro Nocerino Sarnese is fertile and generous. Since 1983, Conserve Manfuso S.r.l. has managed the processing and transformation of San Marzano tomatoes PDO The tomato from Agro Sarnese Nocerino (protected designation of origin). These high-quality tomatoes stem from the age-old tradition of Neapolitan cuisine and have an elongated shape and a distinctive sweet and sour taste. For this reason, the company processes this well-known tomato with great care and in compliance with the production regulations of the Consortium for the Protection of San Marzano PDO Tomatoes, also guaranteeing a carbon-neutral product, as the company borders the fields where the San Marzano PDO tomato is grown.

See product sheet

Where is the San Marzano tomato grown?

The San Marzano PDO tomato originates in Agro Sarnese Nocerino, where the company Conserve Manfuso S.r.l. is located. Agro Sarnese-Nocerino's San Marzano PDO tomato can only be grown in rows outdoors and is harvested exclusively by hand between the end of July and mid-September.

How is the San Marzano tomato recognized?

According to the disciplinary regulations of the Consortium for the Protection of San Marzano Tomatoes, the tomato has an elongated cylindrical shape and a bright red color covering its entire surface, with a thin skin and dense pulp and is full-flavored.

sauce for gourmet pizzas
What is the best tomato sauce for pizza?

In our experience, the San Marzano DOP tomato is the best tomato for pizza. It is no coincidence that the most significant Italian and foreign pizzerias use the San Marzano PDO tomato for toppings on their gourmet pizzas.

San Marzano DOP tomato: from harvest to processing

How we work San Marzano Tomato DOP

How we work San Marzano Tomato DOP

Conserve Manfuso S.r.l. receives the San Marzano DOP tomatoes a few minutes after harvesting. Thefruits are picked strictly by hand, placed in plastic crates by the farmers and transported to the factory where they are processed into peeled San Marzano tomatoes . This is how San Marzano canned tomatoes are produced; the processing is also governed by the production discipline regulations. For this reason, Conserve Manfuso S.r.l. is obliged to package San Marzano tomatoes whole or in fillets and, after peeling, in tin cans. All containers must be regularly labelled and numbered so they can betraceable and recognizableand must bear the logo of the Consorzio di Tutela del Pomodoro San Marzano dell'Agro Sarnese-Nocerino.

Production of the San Marzano Tomato DOP

Production of the San Marzano Tomato DOP

Therefore, the end consumer using San Marzano DOP tomatoes can be assured a fresh, healthy and natural tomato for his/her meal that is an Italian tomato variety grown only in Campania on Agro Sarnese Nocerino land. San Marzano tomatoes are GMO-free; they are not modified in any way during cultivation or processing nor are additives added. To make this tomato even more special, Conserve Manfuso S.r.l. also produces an ORGANIC San Marzano DOP tomato to fulfil multiple requests for an even healthier tomato for organic produce enthusiasts.


100% Italian organic San Marzano DOP tomato

Characteristics of the San Marzano DOP Tomato

A recent article on a well-known scientific study has given great importance to the properties of San Marzano tomatoes, highlighting their cancer-fighting properties due to the higher content of lycopene in its pulp; they are fleshier than traditional tomatoes and therefore act as a powerful antioxidant in the prevention of cancer, particularly those of the stomach and digestive system. These tomatoes are also very helpful in preventing cardiovascular problems. San Marzano DOP tomatoes are also rich in mineral salts (such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium and selenium) and vitamins (A, C, B1, B2, K and E).

How to cook the San Marzano tomato

The San Marzano DOP tomato can be used for all recipes that require classic tomatoes. These tomatoes are great for eating raw in salads; just slice them and add garlic, oregano and your choice of seasonings. These are ideally used in the preparation of traditional Neapolitan ragout, which must simmer for a long period of time at low heat; it is a real treat for the palate.


About Conserve Manfuso

Conserve Manfuso srl è una ditta conserviera produttrice di conserve di pomodoro e specializzata in pomodori pelati.
Ha puntato il suo core business sulla trasformazione del pomodoro Biologico vista la crescente richiesta di prodotti sani ed incontaminati da sostanze chimiche di sintesi e nel pieno rispetto dell’ambiente.


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Informazioni e Contatti

Conserve Manfuso Srl 

Via Buonconsiglio N. 330
80057 Sant'Antonio Abate

Napoli - Italy
Chiama +39 081 8738572
Chiama +39 081 8738056
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